What Can I Do About My Bad Breath?

February 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:40 am

You lean over to say something to someone and notice that they pull back, ever so slightly. Upon checking, you realize your breath isn’t all that inviting, and you want to quickly remedy the problem.

Bad breath happens to most of us at some point in our lives, and the problem can usually be resolved by a quick brushing and mouth rinse. Ongoing issues with bad breath, however, may signal an underlying problem.

To help you figure out why you’re experiencing bad breath, Dr. Mohammed Mansour and the rest of the team here at Plano Dental Distinction pulled together the following information on halitosis, which is the medical term for bad breath.

Bad breath — a temporary problem

Whether your bad breath is temporary or ongoing, it usually stems from one thing — bacteria. As bacteria work in your mouth, they emit sulfur compounds, which mingle with the air you breathe, creating a less-than-pleasing odor when you talk.

There are many different factors that can lead to short-term bad breath, such as:

  • Eating garlic, onions, or other pungent foods
  • Smoking
  • Drinking coffee
  • Skipping brushing your teeth
  • Sleeping

While most of the items on this list are self-explanatory, we want to elaborate on the last item — sleeping. What we’re referring to here is “morning breath,” which typically stems from a reduction in saliva production while you sleep. 

Your saliva is critical to managing bacteria in your mouth, so when production slows overnight, bacteria have a chance to get to work. Of course, this problem can be quickly cleared up by brushing and rinsing your teeth in the morning.

Ongoing bad breath issues

If you have chronically bad breath, the problem merits looking into, as it means that odor-causing bacteria are gaining the upper hand in your mouth.

There are several problems that can lead to ongoing issues with halitosis, including:

  • Gum disease
  • Dry mouth
  • A tooth infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Poor overall dental hygiene

Some of these conditions are quite serious, such as gum disease and tooth infections, because they can lead to much larger problems like tooth loss.

If you’re diligent about your dental cleaning, but still have bad breath, we urge you to come see us so that we can get to the bottom of the underlying problem and treat it.

Improving your dental hygiene

If we find no evidence of disease, it’s likely that your halitosis stems from less-than-ideal dental hygiene. To properly clean your mouth, you need to brush your teeth twice a day, including your gums and tongue, floss at least once a day, and rinse after meals.

All too often, people who are short on time brush their teeth for 20-30 seconds and call them clean. The reality is that you need to brush for two minutes, ensuring that you reach every surface. 

As well, brushing alone can’t get the food between your teeth, which is where flossing comes in. Adding a rinse at the end is a great way to ensure that you flush out any remaining food in your mouth that you may have dislodged through brushing and flossing.

You also need to keep up with your twice-annual dental cleanings with us here, as we can access bacteria in those places that are hard to reach on your own.

For expert solutions for your bad breath, please contact our office in Plano, Texas, to set up an appointment.

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